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Software Embedded Developer


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Rating submitted
28/03/2024 100% Permanent position
Work at Prime21
Software Embedded Developer
Outstanding achievements in the engineering industry have something in common: They always result from superior performance, exceptional technology and a high degree of creativity.
Ihre Aufgaben
  • Develop, evolve and maintain software of CNC systems and/or motor servo-drives
  • Define and develop project software architectures for CNC systems and/or motor servo-drives
  • Define and develop geometrical, mathematic and control algorithms
  • Validate with "debugging" operations software coded projects
  • Verify and integrate new software code in coded projects
  • Define project specifications, development plans, methodologies in the software realisation
  • Document and report the activities done
Unsere Anforderungen
  • University degree in Engineering, Information technology, Mathematics or Physics
  • Knowledge of the programming languages such as C, C++
  • Experience in motor servo-drives and/or CNC software would be a plus
  • Excellent knowledge of English language
  • Age: between 35 - 45 years old
  • Ability to collaborate with senior engineers
  • Capability to self-organise the daily job
Ihre Perspektiven
  • An international, dynamic, growing company with the whole value chain from R&D to sales and manufacturing
  • Pleasant working atmosphere with flexible working hours

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