
6 Teacher jobs in Verbier found

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Teacher in the field of Applied Computing (Office 365)

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Rating submitted
05/06/2024 10% Temporary (short-term)
Work at EHV SA

For 40 years, Vatel group has been preparing the operational managers and future leaders of the international hotel and tourism industry. Its 50 schools around the world provide more than 9,000 students with an international education based on a carefully considered combination of theory and professional experience.

Since 2010, Vatel Switzerland (EHV SA) in Martigny, a recognized École Supérieure, has been preparing its students for careers in departments as diverse as marketing, sales, management, human resources, communications and more.

Prepared degrees:

o Bachelor in International Hotel Management (3 years)

o Qualified Hotelier Restaurateur ES (2-3 years)

o MBA in Finance, Project Management and Entrepreneurship ( 2 years)

The campus includes the Hotel Vatel**** superior, the Vatel restaurant and the conference center, which cater to a wide range of customers and where students practice their skills in real-life conditions.

Vatel Switzerland in Martigny is recruiting as of the 2024/2025 academic year

Teacher in the field of Applied Computing (Office 365)

o Courses in English for the various BBA levels

o Approximately 100 hours of coursework, with development opportunities – participation in final projects with other relevant subjects

Skills required and desired profile

o English or French native language, bilingual essential

o Bachelor's degree in Human Resources

o Professional experience in the international hospitality sector an asset

o Teaching experience or willingness to address a student population based on several years of professional experience in the field

We offer

o A friendly environment in a highly qualified school on a human scale

o Adapted schedules to suit a flexible workload

o Internally supported FSEA training for beginner teachers

Place of work: EHV SA, Rue Marconi 19, 1920 Martigny

Start of contract: September 2024

Type of contract: Fixed-term contract for the first year, permanent contract from the second year

Place of work

EHV SA Rue Marconi 19

1920 Martigny


+41 27 720 13 30

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About the company

1920 Martigny / Martigny


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