
7 Scientist jobs in Nyon found

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Data Scientist

10/07/2024 100% Permanent position
About the Company:

We are a globally recognized firm in the financial services industry, managing significant assets across multiple global markets. Committed to excellence and innovation in investment management, we are expanding our team in Geneva.

Data Scientist
Position Overview:

We are seeking a highly skilled Data Scientist to join one of our dynamic portfolio management teams. This role involves engaging in data-driven research projects utilizing advanced AI and machine learning technologies.

Key Responsibilities:
  • Develop and enhance research workflows and the full stack of data science tools.
  • Maintain engineering best practices with a focus on high standards in all stages of research.
  • Collaborate with team members to translate needs into scalable, standardized solutions.
  • Build tools for conducting statistical analysis on large datasets.
  • Design infrastructure to optimize computing resources.
  • Advanced degree (PhD or Master’s) in Computer Science, Statistics, Mathematics, or a related quantitative field.
  • Demonstrable strong coding skills in Python, Java or C++, and SQL.
  • Experience with machine learning techniques, natural language processing, and deep learning.
  • Solid understanding of statistics and capability to perform various analyses.
  • Proficient in SQL databases and familiar with big data technologies.
  • Ability to handle complex and large datasets.
  • Excellent communication skills and ability to work independently as well as part of a team.
We Offer:
  • An opportunity to work with a top-tier team in a stimulating environment.
  • A commitment to professional development and high professional standards.
  • Competitive remuneration and a supportive work culture.