
1 Electrical engineer jobs in Nyon found

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Head of Maintenance West (80-100%)

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Rating submitted
22/07/2024 80% - 100% Permanent position

Skyguide provides air navigation services in Switzerland and parts of neighbouring countries. With around 1500 employees from more than 30 nations, we are pursuing an ambitious innovation strategy that is based on a strong safety and learning culture. We are guided by four values: "We team up to succeed", "We drive innovation", "We own what we do" and, finally, "We create great customer value".
Are you interested in finding out more? We want you to join us as a/an ...

Head of Maintenance West (80-100%)
Your responsibilities:

As Head of our team Infrastructure in the Facility Management department, you will be responsible for:

  • Lead the team of Facility Management Infrastructure to ensure prevention, correction and execution of maintenance, being compliant with safety standards and regulations
  • Plan all activities of the team and provide on-call service
  • Monitor and operate technical equipment in a complex and continuously operated environment
  • Manage, support, and implement diverse projects
  • Be the point of contact for external suppliers, act as key supplier leader, monitoring maintenance and service contracts
Your profile:
  • Electrical of HVAC Engineer or equivalent
  • Several years of experience in the domain of building infrastructure
  • Strong Team lead experience
  • Experience in facility management and good knowledge in operation of projects
  • Excellent communication skills, high team spirit, leadership and self-driven, flexible, and open to change
  • French native (Level C2), English fluent (level C1), German as an asset

Location: Geneva
When: 01.11.2024
Percentage: 80%-100%


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