
37 Pflege jobs in Le Grand-Saconnex found

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US Mission Geneva

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Rating submitted
05/07/2024 100% Temporary (short-term)
US Mission Geneva

The U.S. Mission is looking for a Registered Nurse. Intermittent work schedule.


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The incumbent serves as the post’s nurse with responsibilities that include the medical care of Mission employees and eligible family members under MED approved clinical guidelines, as well as maintenance and inventory of all medical equipment and supplies, implementation of a robust vaccination program, administration of group and individual health education programs, and medical emergency contingency planning for the Mission. The incumbent will work in the Medical Unit under the direct supervision of the Regional Medical Officer (RMO).

Place of work

11 Route de Pregny

1292 Chambésy


Laurence Zulian

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About the company

Chambésy / Genève

5,0 (1 review)


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