
5 Trainee jobs in Langenthal found

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Omya Trainee Program - Data Science in RDS

Omya AG

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Rating submitted
31/07/2024 100% Internship / Trainee
Omya AG
Omya Trainee Program - Data Science in RDS

This person will participate in the trainee program (15 months) and will develop the Data Science & Data Management capabilities within Research & Development Services.

  • The position is aiming to bring added knowledge within the organization thanks to today's knowledge from university and also through skills from a younger generation
  • Assist in identifying key areas where machine learning and GenAI can enhance research and laboratory workflows
  • Build technical strategies and create solution designs using your technical expertise, architectural approach and advisory skills
  • Develop and evaluate small-scale prototypes and proof-of-concept to demonstrate the benefits of AI for current or future R&D processes.
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to gather requirements and integrate AI solutions into existing research and laboratory workflows
Your profile
  • Bachelor's or Master's in Data Science, Computer Science, or a related field.
  • Expertise in programming languages such as Python or R, preferably with experience in machine learning libraries like TensorFlow, PyTorch, or scikit-learn
  • Familiarity with data analysis and visualization tools such as Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, or similar
  • Keen interest in learning about chemistry concepts to apply AI to scientific problems
  • Excellent problem-solving skills, a collaborative mindset, and the ability to communicate complex technical information clearly
  • Interpersonal and organizational skills
  • English spoken & written, any other language is a plus
  • Willing to have a work assignments abroad (up to 3 months)

4622 Egerkingen, Switzerland


Daniel Bolliger, HR Business Partner
T +41 62 789 23 22

Place of work

Froschackerstrasse 6

4622 Egerkingen

About the company

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