
32 Tax expert jobs in Kloten found

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Senior Tax Expert (temporary)

Kessler.Vogler Gmbh

Stadt Zürich
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Rating submitted
15/07/2024 100% Permanent position
Kessler.Vogler Gmbh
Senior Tax Expert (temporary)


  • Implementing upcoming changes within the abolition of UK Resident but non-UK domiciled tax regime
  • Lead client meetings/calls with/without Relationship Manager and document contact
  • Ensuring sufficient front staff training on Wealth Planning product and service offering and effective deployment through the surges from kick-off to execution
  • Explaining basic and enhanced services for anticipated 'known' book across WP P&S Offering
  • Support acquisition and complex cases (Account Segregation/Life Insurance/Succession and Wealth Structuring)
  • Project management of new account segregation setup/ UKRND Account Segregation Form (Form)/processes/client communication /training
  • Educate front employees
  • Answer questions/ongoing support to the Front/Clients/Client external advisors


  • 7+ years post qualification experience
  • Detailed UK personal tax knowledge/experience (global professional services firm)
  • Able to work individually with limited supervision
Sandro da Mota

About the company

4,5 (8 reviews)


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