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Physics & General Science or Math Teacher Full time, US Program

Ecole d'Humanité

Hasliberg Goldern
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Rating submitted
14/06/2024 100% Permanent position
Work at Ecole d'Humanité
Ecole d'Humanité

The Ecole d'Humanite´ is a progressive, international boarding school with a long tradition of holistic education.
For our unique learning community we are looking for a:

Physics & General Science or Math Teacher Full time, US Program

You Can Make a Difference:

Seeking a science teacher with experience teaching physics, plus either math, general science, biology, or chemistry. You will use creative, hands-on approaches to inspire young people through participatory activities and lessons. In small learning groups with an average of six students, and teaching only three academic classes each morning, you will respond to the individual needs of students and create a framework for conveying your chosen content in a clear and exciting way.


  • Experience teaching physics to students in high school, and willingness/ability to teach Advanced Placement Physics (AP training available)
  • Skills in differentiating instruction to students with varied academic and cultural backgrounds
  • Willingness to live and work in a small, tight-knit community, supporting the boarding program as a family head
  • For applicants from outside Switzerland or the European Union, a university degree in a related field
  • Ability to teach sports, performing arts, and/or handcrafts in our afternoon co-curricular program


  • Experience with problem-based or inquiry learning, Understanding by Design, and/or Advanced Placement courses
  • A valid teaching credential (or willingness to make this a priority)
  • Enthusiasm for outdoor education and participation in winter sports
What we Offer:
  • Freedom to develop innovative and dynamic syllabi based on student interests (and your own!)
  • Working with other passionate educators in a values-driven environment
  • Small class sizes where you can get to know each of your students
  • A well-integrated student support team
  • The opportunity to share your interests in our diverse co-curricular afternoon program. Teach a course on calligraphy, stand-up comedy, foraging, podcasting, yoga, origami, parkour — if you love it, you can teach it!
  • Becoming a certified hike leader and exploring the region during our whole-school multi-day hikes
  • Opportunities for professional development (recent examples include Non-Violent Communication, Theme-Centered

  • Interaction, Advanced Placement, Google Suite, and Professional Learning Communities)
  • Access to employer-supported childcare
  • Opportunities for your middle or high school-aged children to attend our school
  • Relocation support, accident insurance, and employer contributions to Swiss retirement fund
  • A unique village-like campus home in the heart of the Swiss alps, located within an expansive ski resort

Interested? Send your CV and cover letter to Write an email. Feel free to email us if you have any questions!

Place of work

Gmeindi 318b

6085 Hasliberg Goldern


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About the company

Hasliberg Goldern / CH-6085 Hasliberg Goldern / Hasliberg


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