
4 UX design jobs in Greifensee found

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Software Engineer (100%)

Proceq SA

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28/05/2024 100% Permanent position
Work at Proceq SA
Proceq SA
Software Engineer (100%)

In this role as a senior software engineer, you will be part of an international and multi-disciplinary team, reporting directly to the Head of Sensor Software in Switzerland. The Sensor Software Group has cross-functional collaboration with other teams such as Product Management, Electronics Development, UX/UI, etc. The team works in an agile and modular product development mode. This is a hands-on position in which you will participate in the full development process of products from the initial idea to series production. Our dynamic working environment offers you the opportunity to work on projects with various advanced technologies such as radar, ultrasound and eddy current.


  • Concept, design and implementation of software modules and applications for portable testing devices on mobile OSes (iOS, Android, multiplatform).
  • Involvement in the whole software development process including architecture, coding, testing, release management as well as production support.
  • Software project management, coordinating the development with internal teams and / or external partners.


  • We are looking for a solution-oriented, communicative and agile Software Engineer with the following qualifications and experience:
  • B.Sc. or M.Sc. in Software Engineering, Computer Science, or related discipline.
  • At least 3 years hands-on experience with iOS SDK, Android SDK, multiplatform development is a must.
  • Knowledge of C/C++.
  • Experience with software tools such as Git, Jira and Confluence.
  • Experience in signal and image processing is a plus.
  • Project management experience is a plus.
  • Self-motivated, result oriented, a team player as well as ability to work independently, enjoy working in an interdisciplinary and multi-cultural environment.
  • Good command of English, written and spoken; German is a plus.

For this position we are only accepting direct applications


Andrea Crameri

Andrea Crameri

HR Manager

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