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Practical Trainee

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01/07/2024 100% Internship / Trainee
Sonova AG

Who we are

In a life without sound, our work provides meaning. As a leading provider of innovative hearing care solutions, we are not just a company that makes products: we are a team on a mission to help people enjoy the delight of hearing. To enable a life without limitations, we - through our core business brands Phonak, Unitron, Sennheiser, Advanced Bionics and AudioNova - develop, manufacture and distribute solutions that push the limits of technology and redefine the future of our industry.

Practical Trainee

Research & Development delivers hearing solutions and services for people with hearing loss, hearing care professionals, and further related people, in the form of hearing devices, accessories, web services, mobile applications, and PC software.

As our intern in the R&D power management team you will support the battery engineers in the development, system integration and verification of batteries for the power supply of hearing instruments. You will prepare, run, analyze and report a variety of battery tests, improve existing test routines and write data analysis scripts. You will also work on a dedicated project related to assessing different charge/discharge strategies and studying ageing effects of Li-ion cells for hearing instruments applications.

This program is limited for 6 months. You can start on 01.09.2024 or 01.10.2024.

Your tasks

  • Design and execute tests to assess different charging strategies for Li-ion batteries used in hearing aid devices applications
  • Develop a battery model to assess degradation and optimize performance
  • Support in maintaining and expanding analysis scripts for battery cycling data
  • Perform electrochemical and post-mortem battery analysis 
  • Support with execution of cell performance test and data analysis
  • Support R&D department with verification and validation tasks of Li-ion batteries
  • Maintenance of battery test systems

Your profile

  • BSc or MSc student in the field of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, materials science or similar filed
  • High interest in the field of batteries and power management
  • Skilled in MATLAB programming; Python is a plus
  • Quick comprehension and initiative
  • Independent, performance-oriented and responsible way of working and able to work under pressure
  • Proficiency in English, in written and spoken

Our offer

We can offer you a new challenge, with interesting tasks and much more - including an open corporate culture, flat hierarchies, support for further training and development, opportunities to take on responsibility, an excellent range of foods, sports and cultural facilities, attractive employment conditions, and flexible working time models in various roles. Employment level 80-100%.

Kira Maurer, Talent Acquisition Manager, is looking forward to receiving your complete application (cover letter, CV, references and certificates) via our online job application platform.

For this vacancy only direct applications will be considered. 

Sonova AG
Laubisrütistrasse 28
CH-8712 Stäfa
+41 58 928 01 01

Sonova is an equal opportunity employer.

We team up. We grow talent. We collaborate with people of diverse backgrounds to win with the best team in the market place. We guarantee every person equal treatment in regard to employment and opportunity for employment, regardless of a candidate's ethnic or national origin, religion, sexual orientation or marital status, gender, genetic identity, age, disability or any other legally protected status.

Place of work

Laubisrütistrasse 28

8712 Staefa

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