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Key Account Manager M/F/X

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16/07/2024 100% Permanent position
Randstad (Schweiz) AG
Key Account Manager M/F/X

We are looking for a talented and motivated Key Account Manager to develop and manage their client in Zurich.

Main Responsibilities:
  • Key Account Management: Maintain strong and lasting relationships with the client for the Swiss Romandie.

  • Coordination of operational activities and projects

  • Analysis and Reporting: Monitor and analyze account performance, produce regular reports, and suggest corrective actions.

  • Strategic Planning: Contribute to defining and implementing the key account development strategy.

Desired Profile:
  • Education: Degree in business, marketing, management, or equivalent field.

  • Experience: Minimum of 3 years of experience in key account management

  • Skills: Excellent communication skills, ability to analyze and solve problems, teamwork, and autonomy.

  • Languages: Proficiency in German and English

  • Tools: Good knowledge of CRM tools and office software (MS Office, etc.).

Salary: Between 90-110K chf + company car

Samy Boudjemai

About the company

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