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Junior HR Assistant 80-100% (temporary)

Kessler.Vogler Gmbh

Stadt Zürich
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Rating submitted
01/07/2024 80% - 100% Temporary (short-term)
Kessler.Vogler Gmbh
Junior HR Assistant 80-100% (temporary)


  • Pre-selection of incoming applications
  • Preliminary clarifications for candidates with incomplete dossiers or missing information
  • Organization of the candidate interviews including communication with the line management
  • Management of rejections


  • Commercial apprenticeship
  • 1-2 years of relevant professional experience in HR
  • Team player with an open-minded personality
  • Ability to work under time pressure to handle high volumes of work
  • Accurate and well-organized Way of working
  • Excellent German and English language skills
Lars Brändle

About the company

4,5 (8 reviews)


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