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Assistant / Advisor

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16/09/2024 20% - 80% Part time
Assistant / Advisor

Job Advertisement: Assistant / Advisor

Work location: Basel-Land, Switzerland


  • Conducting business correspondence in Ukrainian and English, German is nice to have
  • Conducting and coordinating telephone negotiations with partners.
  • Organizing and participating in business meetings and negotiations.
  • Representing the company's interests during negotiations and official events.
  • Residence in the Basel-Land region.
  • Fluency in Ukrainian and English, German is nice to have
  • Experience in conducting business correspondence and telephone negotiations.
  • A professional appearance and strong communication skills.
  • Experience in organizing and participating in business meetings and negotiations.

We offer:

  • Interesting and responsible work in a dynamic company.
  • Opportunities for professional development.
  • Attractive salary and social benefits.


Please send your CV and contact us +41795361125

Ecological Recycling Complex Dunayev
Falterstrasse 6
4104 Oberwil BL

Place of work

Falterstrasse 6

4104 Oberwil BL

About the company

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