A construction worker, a barista, and an office employee that all found their dream job through JobScout24.

Your job portal for all professions in Switzerland

JobScout24 empowers your job search in Switzerland with the largest number of job ads, ensuring you never miss an opportunity. We provide relevant and personalised job ads across all industries and regions. Our mission is simple: to help you find a job you love. Start your job search for a fulfilling career with JobScout24 - where ambition meets opportunity!

Find your dream job
20+ Years in the job market
140 000+ New job offers every month
100+ Job sectors available

Trusted by more than 86 000 companies across Switzerland

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They are using JobScout24

“I quickly found a job in the sales field. I recommend this platform 🤩”


Swiss Securitas Group

"Securitas is among the top 10 most searched for employers in Switzerland on JobScout24. As a long-standing customer, we highly appreciate the support from JobScout24. With 70% of our workforce in the security sector, we benefit from the platform's broad presence. Through our collaboration with JobScout24, we can continue to find talented employees and strengthen our leading position in the industry.”

Dominik Lütolf

Group Human Resources Officer, Securitas
SV Group

“JobCloud provides us with the opportunity to advertise our vacancies in a modern, flexible, and performance-oriented manner.”

Florian Senn

Head of Recruiting & Staffpool, SV Group

"Convenient platform to find a job after my studies 👍"


"The personalised alerts allow me to stay updated on the latest opportunities, I am happy 🙂"


AMAG Automotive and engines AG

“The JobCloud experts regularly support us in calls and assist us very well in campaign management and analyzing our performance metrics. With the pay-per-performance model, we can optimize our recruitment budget effectively and greatly appreciate the long-standing cooperation.”

Andrea Caluori

HR Project Leader, AMAG

Features to help you find the perfect job

An office employee that found her desired part-time job in the insurance industry with the help of JobScout24.

Advanced search filters

Easily find your dream job by filtering through location and job title. Leverage advanced search filters tailored to your needs, including industry and language preferences.

Find your dream job
Young woman with pink hair and beanie using a smartphone to look for a job as

Job Alerts & Recommendations

Stay updated with Job Alerts, receiving direct notifications for new job openings matching your preferences, and enjoy personalised job recommendations based on your search history.

Set up your Job Alert
Smiling man with glasses working on a laptop in a cafe, preparing his application profile on JobScout24.

Create your profile

By having a profile on JobScout24, you can quickly apply to jobs, bookmark your favorite job ads, manage your applications, and enjoy many additional benefits.

Create your profile
Two young women working together on a laptop on a sofa, learning on JobScout24 how to write a CV that stands out on the Swiss job market.

Career Academy

Discover the Career Academy and explore exclusive free resources for every stage of your job search journey. Benefit from free advice from job coaches to guide your career.

Visit the Career Academy

JobScout24 journey

JobScout24 is owned by JobCloud SA, the leading digital company in the Swiss employment market.

Logo JobCloud

Our other leading platforms, including jobs.ch, jobup.ch, Jobwinner, ALPHA, TOPJOBS and our niche websites help candidates to find their best-matched job in the shortest time. 

Logo Jobs.ch Logo Jobup Logo JobScout24 Logo Jobwinner Logo FinanceJobs Logo ICT Career Logo MedTalents Logo Ing Jobs Logo TopJobs Logo Jobs 4 Sales Logo Alpha

2019 - Google partnership

JobScout24 becomes Google's preferred Swiss partner for the new job search feature.

2015 - Acquisition of JobScout24 by JobCloud SA

JobCloud SA is a venture of Ringier AG and TX Group. 

1998 - Launch

JobScout24 is created as a brand of the Scout24 group. 

JobScout24 in the press