Effects of soil improvers from food processing residues on plant- and soil health (100%) | jobs fibl
Art des Angebots: Masterarbeit
Food processing results in many residues that go to waste if not recycled. In this project, partners across Europe transform food processing residues into Soil Improvers (SI). These SI are meant to improve soil health. For this bachelor thesis, 1-2 soil improvers can be tested on vegetable crop(s) for their ability to suppress soil-borne diseases, their nutrient availability and impact on crop performance. This experiment would be carried in pots and under controlled conditions. The candidate should show initiative and should be able to work with some independence. Next to the experimental work, reviewing scientific literature and statistical analysis are expected. Starting possible as soon as March - flexible.
Planning and conducting pot experiments, literature review and statistical data analysis.
Joelle Herforth-Rahmé
Flexible, possible from March 2025, for a minimum of 3 months
| jobs fibl
Joelle Herforth-Rahmé
Dr. sc.
Departement für Nutzpflanzenwissenschaften
FiBL Schweiz
Ackerstrasse 113
CH-5070 Frick
+41 (0)62 865-0436
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Frick / CH-5070 Frick